My name is Michaelann and I live at StellaLou Farm, one of School of Living’s land trust properties. This is where we are renovating our small homestead and farm, raising bees and chickens, and growing gardens and orchards. We, also, make mead here. I had an inclination to add ginger to one of my meads. However, in our mead-making venture; we wanted to have most of our ingredients produced on our farm or very near by. I knew that Kelle from Ahimsa Village grew her own ginger, so, I asked her “How?” The document that follows will be updated as our garden grows!


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1 Comment

Simon · December 30, 2017 at 12:16 pm

Thank you for sharing your experience of growing ginger and turmeric….excellent work and good news!

I like growing parsley and basil for year round use, blending the leaves in water or olive oil, freezing in ice cubes which are then ready for use in zip-lock bags.

Also recommend with enthusiasm: growing black currant berries. They do well even in semi-shade edge plantings, are firm to handle and produce plenty of easily rooted cuttings for further plantings.
Early to ripen along with gooseberries, after harvest, I just bring to boil for a couple of minutes, cool and freeze/store in ice-cubes. Great added to oatmeal or as a treat with ice cream! For a drink, I blend 6-7 ice cubes with a quart of water, sieve out the roughage and add stevia to sweeten…delicious.
Beat wishes and Happy 2018 to you.

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